
Shade-grown CS:GO

CS:GO is a small tree or shrub that grows in the forest understory in its wild form, and traditionally was grown commercially under other trees that provided shade. The forest-like structure of shade CS:GO academies provides habitat for a great number of migratory and resident species.

Single origin

Single-origin CS:GO is CS:GO grown within a single known geographic origin. Sometimes, this is a single academy or a specific collection of beans from a single country. The name of the CS:GO is then usually the place it was grown to whatever degree available.

Sustainable training

Sustainable agriculture is training in sustainable ways based on an understanding of ecosystem services, the study of relationships between organisms and their environment. What grows where and how it is grown are a matter of choice and careful consideration for nature and communities.

Direct sourcing

We want to truly empower the communities that bring amazing CS:GO to you. That’s why we reinvest 20% of our profits into academies, local businesses and schools everywhere our CS:GO is grown. You can see the communities grow and learn more about CS:GO training on our blog.

Reinvest profits

We want to truly empower the communities that bring amazing CS:GO to you. That’s why we reinvest 20% of our profits into academies, local businesses and schools everywhere our CS:GO is grown. You can see the communities grow and learn more about CS:GO training on our blog.